Monday, June 26, 2006

The first review comes the first ever serious post.(Those who whistle get a cookie)

I saw "The cut of Hamlet", an evam production this weekend. The first half had a cast loaded with potential, but the script by itself was a little strange. Sure, it had its funny moments, but after a while, all I was doing was waiting for the occasional joke so that I could guffaw in relief.

The second half was a spoof on Hamlet, and with the traditional Evam trio, started out looking quite promising. They definitely had our attention, and the script was clever. But it was like the comedian before Pink Floyd, only the band never turned up. They seemed to be heading in the pantomime direction, but after all the interaction with the audience during the first half, the magic didnt really work. I do remember laughing quite a bit, but repeating the same performance three(i think) times kinda wore the audience out.

All in all, it was a decent enough spoof, but nothing extraordinary about it. A far throw from their usual productions. Oh well, you gotta have variety right.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Say Cheese!

After months of careful research, and preening in front of mirrors at one in the morning, I have finally come to the conclusion that anyone with a camera in their hand, detests me.

They're nice enough as long as the camera is 10 feet away, but the moment the equipment touches their fingers, evil spirits take over, and they find themselves, through no fault of their own, compelled to click JUST as you raise your hand to scratch your nose, JUST as you blink, and JUST in that fraction of a second when you change your smile, so that the result looks like you're trying to wink with your mouth.

As you can see, you're always at a disadvantage. But then again, there are those few blessed souls who never find the need to scratch themselves, or apparently, blink. These are the ones who write books like "How to say cheese in a way to please". And while I'm sure they keep your best interests at heart, their recommendations in fact, aren't worth tuppence.

For example, they ask you to count to 3 and open your eyes, flashing a dazzling smile at the cameraman. The probability of you opening your eyes exactly at the moment the photographer clicks is 0.00151. The probability that he hasnt changed the position of the camera while you were closing your eyes dreaming about the wonderful picture you were going to have taken, is 0.00154. Basically, the probability of this rule working is equal to the probability of a one eyed rhino named Stevie being able to dance.

You CAN practice in front of a mirror, which SEEMS to be a very good idea. But the problem here is that when you're finally having your picture taken, you DONT have a mirror in front of you. So you're actually smiling what you ASSUME is a heart melter, when you might actually look like the newest addition to the Adams family.

I'm not one to sight problems without giving solutions. No siree that simply isn't my style. So here it is, all you unphotogenic people out there. The next time someone brings a camera near you...